Clegg Family Picture 2011

Clegg Family Picture 2011

Friday, February 24, 2012

Wow--how did I miss that?

Do you know that story where the boy is getting scolded for going to the corner after his mom has told to time and time again, "Do not go to the corner." Only after a simple question did she understand why he did not behave. "Mommy, what's a corner?"

I had one of those moments the other day. We were getting ready to go to a new orphanage in Phuket that houses baby orphans. Most of the children are under three. About half of them live there full time and the other half are dropped off and picked up each day. Previous to this orphanage opening, those latter children were just left at home by themselves during the day.

Most of the children are or have been victims of physical abuse. As we hold these sweet children, we see bruises (some very large), scars from cigarette burns, big scratches/cuts and swollen faces. It breaks my heart. I can't understand how this can be openly tolerated. Then I remember that we are in a foreign land and the laws that I know and appreciate do not exist here. It is a scary realization.

So, knowing all of this ahead of time--I think that I should give the boys a little warning so that they are not caught off guard. I wasn't going to go into all the details, but rather help them understand that these children are very little and that some of them might have some ouwees. In the middle of my great explanation, Marcus goes, "WAIT, so orphans don't have parents????" WOW--shocker moment! How have I missed that little detail of information with him. What did he think over the last month? That all these children that we have been referring to as orphans, were just having a major sleepover party? I just looked into his sweet, little eyes and had to wonder what else I have neglected to teach him. I was blown away.

We get to go and just hold these little babies. We bought some toys at the store but the selection was poor and most were very cheap in quality--but you would think we brought Christmas. They were delighted--although some broke within minutes! We play with them, tickle them and say, "This little piggy went to the market..."

We can play with them until about 11:30 and then they serve them lunch. They all line up against the little gate to wash their hands in a bucket of water. Then they sit down in little rows.

They have to wait until everyone is given their food and prayer is said. Some need help in feeding--although the care givers say that can feed themselves. We can't resist and feed them anyway. They are so stinking cute. Munchie even enjoys feeding the "liddle babies."

As soon as mealtime is over, they all run to the back of the building and strip down for shower time. It is just concrete walls with a hose, but they love it. There is a bottle of shampoo and bucket with sponges and a bowl full of toothbrushes. We help to get them all washed up and they grab a random toothbrush and brush their teeth (some are all rotten).

Then next step is to dry them off and powder them down. Then they run over to these plastic drawers and just grab random clothes out and get dressed. It doesn't matter what they wear, they just grab something and put it on. We all just enjoy every minute of this experience. They are almost giddy to get clean! I really just wanted to scoop them all up and take them home! They are all so sweet!

There is one little girl that really touches my heart. Her name is Fun and she is so snuggly. Just look at those cheeks!

The last thing that we get to do is to help get them down for their naps. We come back out to the front of the building and there are blankets all laying out and pillows for them. We just randomly lay down beside them and rub their hair or stroke their faces.

  Cole especially loved singing the "Magic Frying Pan" song that Grammy sang to all of our kids. My girls all just eat all of this up. They love it. We have gone there just a few times.  This orphanage is a place that is dear to our hearts! What a blessing to be with those children.

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